Comments and Complaints
Erewash Borough Council welcomes feedback about its services.
If you wish to make an enquiry or request help from one of our services please use the General Enquiries Form.
If you have a My Erewash account account you are able to provide us with feedback via the feedback form.
We rely on the feedback of residents and visitors to help us review what we do. If you don't tell us about what we have done well or what we could do better we won't be able to make those changes that will provide the users of council services with a better experience.
Many people who use council services don't complain as they feel that we won't listen and their comment or complaint won't make a difference. We look at complaints as a constructive way to identify areas that we can improve.
If we did something well please tell us. We think our staff are great and welcome the opportunity to pass on your kind comments to let them know they are appreciated by you and by us as an organisation.
To register your comment, compliment or complaint (CCC), please call the contact centre on 0115 9072244 or use our feedback form which you can access via your My Erewash Account. Please be assured that all comments, compliments or complaints will be dealt with in the strictest confidence. We keep a record of your comments, complaints and compliments to build up a picture of the services that give our customers the most concerns and those services that we need to learn from.