
2024 Ilkeston Charter Fair Survey

Our ancient street fair - which pre-dates Nottingham's Goose Fair and is one of the oldest and biggest in Europe - dates back to 1252. That was when King Henry III granted a charter for a fair to be held in the town. The Charter Fair traditionally kicks off each October on a Wednesday and closes on Saturday night. However, the council has received a formal request from the Showmen's Guild to permanently extend the opening hours to include the Sunday from 2025.

Erewash Borough Council wants to hear what you, as a resident or business, think about the idea of the proposal to extend the opening times of the Charter Fair. Please let us know by completing a short survey before 11.55pm Sunday 17th November 2024.

If you would like to know more about the survey please contact <a href>This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;/a> or call 0115 907 2257.

Have your say on town's walking and cycling

People are being asked for their views on how Ilkeston town has changed and how we can make it more pedestrian and cyclist friendly.

Sustrans is working with Erewash Borough Council to find out what stops people walking or cycling the short distances in and around Ilkeston town, and what might help them leave their cars at home for some of these trips.

Apart from the health benefits of a bit of a walk in the fresh air, more short journeys taken by foot or by bike would help reduce congestion, pollution, and noise.

An online survey is open until the end of the year and can be found at You can also email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

EBC Tracker Survey

These surveys ask general questions about Erewash Borough Council, the services it provides and their methods of communication. The same questions are used on a regular (quarterly) basis to allow the council to monitor and compare its performance over time.

Details of when the next Tracker Survey will be available for completion will be published here.

Derbyshire County Council Draft Council Plan 2025 to 2029

DCC are currently developing a new Council Plan that will set out the direction and priorities for the council for the next four years. Key elements of the Council Plan 2025-29 are now in draft form and DCC are encouraging members of the public, employees and key stakeholders to share their views and help shape the plan before it is agreed.

This new draft plan is written with the backdrop of the well-documented challenges that continue to face DCC and others across the country. These include increased demand for services, significantly higher costs due to inflation and a provider-driven market, especially in relation to commissioned external placements for social care. Many services have changed and become more effective and efficient, but DCC needs to do more to address the financial challenges and ensure the delivery of good outcomes for residents.

The draft plan sets out how they intend to do this, ensuring that they remain ambitious for residents, communities and the county, and continue to deliver on all fronts.

Please refer to the 'Draft Council Plan 2025 - 2029 consultation - supporting document'  while completing their survey which is available here.

Their consultation closes on 3 November 2024 and feedback will directly contribute to the ongoing development of their new Council Plan 2025-29. DCC will share how they have used the feedback in an online report after the consultation concludes.

Derbyshire Public Library Consultation 2024

Derbyshire County Council are proposing changes to the way they run their library service which are aimed at ensuring all their library buildings remain open, as well as creating a modern, agile, family-friendly and sustainable service across the county.

Full details of their proposals can be found in their draft Derbyshire Public Library Service Strategy `A Modern Library Service for Derbyshire’. The proposals are aimed at meeting necessary budget savings and reflecting changing patterns of library use while ensuring their library service remains as accessible, efficient and cost-effective as possible.

The main proposals contained in the draft strategy and include:

  • Reducing opening hours across the library network by an average of 10%. Opening hours would be localised for each community and would reflect the busiest periods; neighbouring libraries would not be closed on the same days.
  • Ensuring all libraries open for a time on a Saturday, with larger libraries also opening until 6pm twice a week.
  • Reviewing opportunities to make more efficient use of library buildings, where this can be achieved and either improve or not adversely impact the service. This could involve re-locating some libraries to new, lower cost, more energy efficient sites, co-locating some libraries with other services/organisations or changing the layout of some library buildings to make them more efficient, flexible and accessible. These options if achieved would greatly reduce maintenance and running costs which are high in some older library buildings
  • Inviting volunteers to help support access to library services outside of regular hours - where agreed and appropriate, by introducing a new way of managing provision termed `community-supported libraries’.

To take part in the consultation, please complete this survey before Saturday 2nd November 2024. 

Derbyshire County Council

Derbyshire County Council (DCC) is committed to listening and learning from local people and provide important services to residents, visitors, employers and employees in the county and are always looking for ways to improve them.

Finding out what people think of the services DCC provide is essential because it helps the council to work out how to improve them and their commitment to consult ensures this will happen. Consultation is the process of informed communication between DCC and the users of their services prior to the council making a policy decision or determining changes to service delivery.

Details about current DCC consultations carried out in the past and those planned for the future can be found at Derbyshire County Council Have Your Say where you can read about the purpose of each consultation, find out who is being consulted and how to get involved.