Shared Prosperity Fund - Investing in our communities
Erewash Borough Council successfully bid for a £2.8m share of the Government’s Shared Prosperity Fund for community and business projects over the next two years.
Council Executive approved receipt of the Shared Prosperity Fund – which will be invested in communities - at a meeting in February 2023. The projects will include:
- Community Shuttle: A vehicle to carry passengers up Bath Street to improve the accessibility of Bath Street for people with walking difficulties.
- 3G pitch project at Rutland Sports Park: A third generation artificial grass pitch will be implemented to promote engagement with sport.
- Bennerley Viaduct Study: To establish options to improve access to Bennerley Viaduct.
- Golden Hello Scheme: This aims to encourage new businesses opening in empty shops by providing a grant for quality new signage and marketing.
- Proposed Ilkeston Nature Reserve: Enhancement of the wildlife value and public amenity at the former Pewit Golf Course and Manor Floods LNR, including substantial tree planting to help address the impacts of climate change
- Cultural Events Programme: Increased awareness of and engagement with the Erewash Museum through a programme of enhanced events
- An enhanced community grant scheme;
- A community carbon grant for energy efficiency improvements for eligible households,
- A manufacturing Research & Development grant for local manufacturing businesses.
- A project to replace the existing play equipment at West Park, Long Eaton with a significantly upgraded play area at the park in Long Eaton
- A Visit Erewash Campaign to promote recreational use of the Erewash countryside.