Bins and Recycling
What happens to my waste?
The household waste from the black bin is delivered to a waste transfer station in Ilkeston where it is put on larger vehicles before being transported for disposal. Most of this waste is sent to energy from waste plants or made into a refuse derived fuel.
The recycling collected in the blue bins/green bags is delivered to a waste transfer station in Ilkeston where it is put on larger vehicles before being transported for sorting by New Earth Solutions at their material recovery facility in Grantham. The items are sorted into different types of plastics, paper, cardboard, metals, glass before being sent to be made into new products.
Only certain items can be recycled. It is really important to put the correct items in the recycling bin as wrong items cause real problems when the recycling is sorted.
Please see our recycling page for more information on what you can recycle. This BBC article provides useful information on the recycling process and breaks down which materials can go through the recycling process: What can and can't be recycled - BBC Future
The garden waste collected in the brown bins goes to be made into compost.
Not sure what goes in each bin?
If you're not sure what goes in what bin, you can check on our A-Z of Waste and Recycling page.
Not sure when your next collection is?
You can find your next bin collection day online, just enter your address. Black bins should be placed out for collection on the alternative week to your green recycling bags and blue recycling bin and brown bin.
How do I report a missed bin collection?
Sometime crews cannot access street because of parked cars or roadworks. Check the relevant bin page to check for missed streets.
If it is only your bin that has been missed please complete a missed bin form on your My Erewash account.