Modern Slavery

Modern slavery occurs when a person is brought to, or moved around the country by others who threaten, frighten or hurt them, and force them into work or other things they do not want to do.

It is a term used to describe:

• Human trafficking, slavery, forced labour and domestic servitude
• Slavery practices such as debt bondage, sale or exploitation of children and forced marriage
• Signs of slavery and exploitation are often hidden. Victims can be any age, gender, ethnicity or nationality.

If you see something suspicious, no matter how small, please call police on 101, the UK Modern Slavery Helpline on 08000 121 700 or
Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Derbyshire and Derby City have a Modern Slavery Partnership, which supports and enables the discovery and response to modern slavery incidents. Visit Safer Derbyshire for more information.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires the Council to take steps to ensure modern slavery is not taking place in our business or supply chains. This includes:

1. Identifying and referring victims
2. Supporting victims through safeguarding children and adults with care and support needs and through housing/ homelessness services
3. Undertaking community safety services and disruption activities
4. Ensuring that supply chains used are free from modern slavery