Garden Waste Collections
New subscriptions for 2025-26
You can now sign up or renew your brown bin subscription ready for garden waste collections from 1 April 2025 – 31 March 2026.
You will receive 20 collections with a short break over the winter months.
If you sign up before 31 March 2025, you can take advantage of our early bird offer, the first subscription costing just £25, with subscriptions for each additional bin costing £18.75. For early subscribers stickers will be posted out in early March.
From 1 April the first subscription will cost £37 and £27.75 for each additional bin.
How to sign up
Sign up or renew your subscription through a My Erewash account or as a guest.
Sign up with your My Erewash account We are currently experiencing issues with people logging in via their social media accounts. We are working to get this resolved. You can still log in with an email address.
Sign up as a guest
By Telephone:
Call our Customer Services Team on 0115 907 2244.
In Person:
Pop into our Town Halls during opening hours.
Current subscriptions 2024-25
Current subscriptions will run until 31 March 2025. You can no longer sign up for subscriptions for this time.
After the winter break, garden waste collections will restart and run to the 31 March 2025 as follows:
Ilkeston and surrounding areas - collections start during the week of 17 February 2025
Long Eaton and surrounding areas - collections start during week of 24 February 2025
For further information about the garden waste service, please see our Garden Waste Information page and Terms and Conditions page.
Using brown bins for recycling during the winter months
Brown bins can no longer be used for extra recycling over the winter months. This will prevent the mixing of waste which can happen when bins are used for different materials at different times.
If you regularly have extra recycling, an additional blue bin can be purchased, or extra recycling presented at the side of your blue bin in green bags or clear plastic bags. Green bags can be collected from the Town Halls or Victoria Park / West Park Leisure Centres.
What to put in the brown bin
Grass cuttings
Plants and weeds - with soil shaken off roots
Hedge and shrub clippings
Leaves, twigs and small branches
Trimmed branches (no thicker than 3 inches/8 cm).
Cut flowers
Windfalls (fallen fruit such as apples)
All garden waste should put in the brown bin loose, not bagged or wrapped. The garden waste collected is sent to be composted.
What cannot go in brown bin
Soil and turf
Invasive weeds like Japanese Knotweed, Ragwort, Giant Hogweed, Himalayan Balsam, Rhododendron and Hemlock.
Wood and timber
Animal waste and bedding
Bricks, rubble, garden stone, rocks or pebbles
Garden tools and equipment, plant pots, ornaments
Plastic of any kind
Food waste
Household waste
Brown bins must be out for collection by 7am on collection day and placed at the edge of the property where it joins the footpath or road, or at an agreed collection point. We cannot guarantee that collections will take place at the same time every fortnight. Brown bins are collected on the same day as recycling.
New and Replacement Brown Bins
New Brown Bin 240 litre: £39.00
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