Application for outline planning permission with all matters reserved NATIONAL REQUIREMENTS Department for Communities and Local Government Circular 01/2006 sets out the scope of information to be submitted with an outline application. Even if layout, scale and access are reserved, an application will still require a basic level of information. As a minimum applications should always include information on: Use – the use or uses proposed for the development and any distinct development zones within the site identified. Amount of development – the amount of development proposed for each use. Indicative layout – an indicative layout with separate development zones proposed within the site boundary where appropriate. Scale parameters – an indication of the upper and lower limits for height, width and length of each building within the site boundary. Indicative access points – an area or areas in which the access point or points to the site will be situated. * Completed form * A plan which identifies the land to which the application relates drawn to an identified scale and showing the direction of North * A copy of other plans and drawings or information necessary to describe the subject of the application including: O Block plan of the site (for example at a scale of 1:100 or 1:200) showing any site boundaries * The completed Ownership Certificate (A, B, C or D – as applicable) as required by Article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 * Agricultural Holdings Certificate as required by Article 7 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 * Design and access statement, if required * The appropriate fee * In addition, where Ownership Certificates B, C or D have been completed, notice(s) as required by Article 6 of the Town and Country Planning (General Development Procedure) Order 1995 must be given and/or published in accordance with this Article LOCAL REQUIREMENTS may include some or all of the following: * Affordable housing statement * Air quality Assessment * Biodiversity Survey / Protected species survey and report * Environmental Impact Assessment * Energy Efficiency/Sustainability Report * Evidence to accompany applications for town centre uses including impact assessment * Existing and proposed car parking and access arrangements * Flood risk assessment * Foul sewerage assessment * Heritage Statement (including historical, archaeological features and Scheduled Ancient Monuments) * Land contamination assessment * Lighting assessment * Noise impact assessment * Open space assessment * Other plans * Photographs/photomontages * Planning obligations/draft Head(s) of Terms * Planning Statement/Business Case * Statement of Community Involvement * Structural Survey * Transport assessment * (Draft) travel plan * Tree survey/arboricultural implications * Ventilation/extraction statement